Question : Heterogenous Queries,ANSI_NULLS,ANSI_WA<wbr />RNINGS,Lin<wbr />ked Servers(AS400),Crystal Reports
Hello experts, here is one for you geniouses out there.
Background: I have an SQL Server that Transfers several tables from an AS400 daily and adds the data to a database. This is done so that i can create reports using crystal reports 8.5. This works great, because the detail data is generated and kept on the SQL Server. the data tables being transfered daily are just for linking stuff like names and addresses to detail records i have generated. This is so our users can maintain the adddress and customer information in our main system(AS400) and not have to update then on the SQL Server.
Why I want to change this: The morning download has gotten rather huge. it takes about an hour. on sunday we IPL our AS400 and on monday morning when our download jobs kick off we may get an error because our AS400 is not up yet. I want to not have to download this data anymore. I just want to Link the AS400 library to our SQL Server as a Linked Server. Then create queries in the database that have the same name as the datables used to have. This works great until you try to change the crystal reports (which i dont want to do.). I'm hopeing that i can do all this changing and not affect any programs that run off these database.
On my first attempt, i got everything linked up properly, but the crystal reports wouldn't see the new queries using ODBC as connection to database. So i changed the connection to Microsft SQL Server. I was then able to see the queries in crystal, but using them gave me Heterogenous errors and tell me i need to set ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS for the connection. i have found things that tell me to create stored procedures with SET ANSI_NULLS ON, but i don't want to use stored procedures because i then get no data back when i use them as tables in Crystal Reports. I have not seen how to create views with ANSI_NULLS and ANSI_WARNINGS ON. I have not found options in crystal or SQL Server for setting these options.
can anyone tell me what to do. I would really like this to work. Is there anyway to get the queries to be seen using any type of connection in crystal reports (ODBC Mainly), and when they do finally see the queries i want to be able to use them without these errors.
Good Luck.
Answer : Heterogenous Queries,ANSI_NULLS,ANSI_WA<wbr />RNINGS,Lin<wbr />ked Servers(AS400),Crystal Reports
>but i don't want to use stored procedures because i then get no data back when i use them as tables in Crystal Reports. This is typically if there is this line missing: SET NOCOUNT ON
Hope this helps