Question : Query Slow in some circumstances
Step 1 below takes about 0.45 seconds and step 2 takes about 24 seconds. When I run them separately in a Query Analyser type tool they are both sub second. When they are run together from the application they take 24 seconds. I think sql is using the wrong query plan as the temp table has only just been created ? This is a 3 tier app and both the temp table and result set (and the asset table) contain about 5000 records. The asset table and all lookups are properly indexed
Select a.AssetID, 'AUD' As CurrencyCode, Sum(a.HomeAmount * (b.Sign)) As AssetValue Into #t_A172_16_4_58_63167_Live From AssetTransaction As a inner JOIN TransactionType As b On a.TransactionTypeID = b.TransactionTypeID inner JOIN Asset As aass On a.AssetID = aass.AssetID inner JOIN CurrentPeriod As cp On aass.CompanyID = cp.CompanyID Where a.BookID = 2 And b.TransactionTypeClass In ('ADDITION') And cp.UserID = 'ADMIN' And (a.ApplyDate <= cp.EndDate OR (a.TransactionTypeID = 1 And aass.DatePurchased <= cp.EndDate)) And a.BudgetID > 0 Group By a.AssetID
Select a.AssetID,a.Barcode,a.Spare8,a.AssetDesc,a.Notes,a.SerialNumber,k.CategoryName,m.LocationName,a.spcComputerName,a.Quantity,a.AssetRef,at0.AssetValue As OriginalValue From Asset As a inner JOIN Category As k On a.CategoryID = k.CategoryID inner JOIN Location As m On a.LocationID = m.LocationID left JOIN #t_A172_16_4_58_63167_Live As at0 On a.AssetID = at0.AssetID Where a.BudgetID > 0 Order By DatePurchased
drop table #t_A172_16_4_58_63167_Live
Answer : Query Slow in some circumstances
SQLOLEDB should always be the fastest because it use SQL native connection. It suppress one layer level.