Question : configure windows xp to connect to sybase12 server
I installed 'Sybase for Windows NT' on Windows XP. What do I need to configure on my pc to be able to connect to sybase12 sqlserver? This is what I have tried:
1) Control panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources(ODBC) 2) Add User DSN 3) Select SQL Server 4) Information populated: Name - CAT(database name) Description - CAT(database name) Server - syb12(sql server name) 5) Click Next 6) Toggle for selection ' With sql server authentication using a login id and password entered by the user. Click on 'Client Configuration' button - 7) At 'Add Network Library Configuration' window, populate this information: Server alias - syb12 Server name - Uncheck dynamically determine port (enter port number 4101, previously defaulted to 1422) Check connect to sql server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options login id - sa password - password 8)Click next 9)Getting this error message: Connection failed SQLState:'01000' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionRead(recv()) Connection f ailed: SQLState:'08501' SQL Server Error:11 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General network error. Check your network documentation.
Is my configuration above correct:?
Answer : configure windows xp to connect to sybase12 server