Question : How do I restore my email account from a seemingly corrupt version of Outlook without losing my data?

I've had a PSU fault that has caused windows (and subsequently Outlook) to shut down repeatedly before the hardware died completely. I've had to put my hard drive (containing Windows Vista and Outlook 2007) into a new machine but I can't get it to boot. Not entirley surprising given all the innapropriate drivers etc installed on the drive.
I've now put this hard drive in as a slave to another Vista drive.
I need to get back all my emails that were languishing in my Outlook account but I can't start Outlook on the Slave drive; when I navigate to the Outlook Application file (OUTLOOK.exe) I get the error message:

"The file OLMAPI32.dll is incompatible with Microsoft Office Outlook. Install Outlook again."

I've installed an additional copy of Outlook on the new primary drive but don't know how to link it to my old Outlook data...

Can anybody help me get my Outlook data back?

Many thanks, I'm quite desparate.

Answer : How do I restore my email account from a seemingly corrupt version of Outlook without losing my data?

Hello ml1n4,

In Vista, PST file default location is in folder drive:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook.  It is a hidden file, so you have to unhide hidden files.  Open Windows Explorer or any folder. Click the Layout button (to the left of the Views button). Click Folder Options > View tab. Check "Show hidden files and folders".   If you want to see system files as well, unclick Hide protected operating system files.  Click OK

Copy the PST to new hard drive.  Then import it into Outlook 2007.

Hope this helps!
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