Question : DNS Resolution issues in Active Directory

I am having reliablility issues when manually creating an "A" record in dns. The new record periodically stops working with messages such as "could not find host:    ".
Here are some notes:
1) Starts working again when ipconfig /releasedns, ipconfig /registerdns     is issued.
2) The record was manually created.  (This is a unix box in my AD network)
3) The network uses a linux firewall to connect to the web (NO DHCP RUNNING)
4) There is 1 Server (Win2k3, Running AD, DNS, DHCP).
5) The cleints are configured to use the following DNS servers (in this order - set in dhcp options)
Main Server (2k3 AD)
(I would have given the IP addresses but I can't see where it would matter)


Answer : DNS Resolution issues in Active Directory

Wtinnel Wrote:
To want to make sure that I answer this correctly, So I have opened the following windows:
dnsmgmt (DNS mgt. console)
right clicked the server, and went to properties
Selected the Forwarders tab.
In the "DNS domain:" box there is 1 entry "All other DNS domains
Under that is the IP's for my ISP's dns servers

as this part is concerned it is rite.. make sure you enter botht the ISP DNS address there.

Wtinnel wrote:
I do have three additional comments;
Could the clients be deciding to use the other DNS servers instead.  The dhcp dns option include the other servers (after the AD controller).  On the test bed I can making it the only DNS server option. Unfortunatly I cannot do this in real life.  The network admin wants the workstation to still work on the net (once logged on) even if the AD controller is down.  

yes the client can be using the other dns sever provided it is you own dns server , just you need to chaange the dhcp settings so when the user restart the pc next time the prefered dns will the other server.  for secutiry reasond make sure you dont have the ISP dns address mentioned in any of the clients pc which is not recommemnded in any corporate enviroment. if the AD is down then by right the users should not be able to go login into domain itself.
And for other things is you DNS sever AD integrated if not do so , so it will syn with the other DNS server each time.

for the testing pc can you check if it is pointing to your local DNS server and not to the ISP DNS server.
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