Question : Computer restarts at startup - endless loop
My computer is stuck in an infinite loop. I have windows vista.
When i restart the pc at the startup screen i get display my ram and processor (this wasnt displayed before .. ) and ram is 3268mb (i have 4gb). My HDD is 320gb and even when formated with nothing on it is still 290gb .
The computer reaches the vista bar screen and it starts to load (slow too) then a blue screen flashes really fast and then it restarts. The blue screen (i recorded on camera and was able to read the message) says "windows has shut down to prevent futher damage .. if this is the first time you see this message .. etc".
If i use safemode, it gets stuck when loading "crcdisk.sys". If i try to use the other options it just restarts.
What i have done is taken the hdd out formated it and installed it on my old pc and it works on my old pc. I stuck it back into my new pc however i get the same error.
I have taken the working hdd out of my old pc which has windows xp on it and its 100% running however on the new pc it does not work, same exact symptoms.
I have a xp disk and when i try to format using this it says that no HDD is detected although i can see it in bios, when i use my vista disk i can see the hdd drive, not sure why i cannot see it in xp, might be from bios settings ..
This is driving me nuts any help on this matter will be apreciated.
Thank you.
also computer specs if necesary :
4gb ram
radeon 4870
I dont think heat is a problem? i have 3 fans in my pc excluding the 2 from the graphics card.
Answer : Computer restarts at startup - endless loop
check SATA settings and switch to IDE
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