Question : Uknown Wscript process eating large amounts of system memory

Hello All,

I will give you a background on the issue and when it started:

I have run in to some trouble with the wscript pocess. I have recently taken on the task of consolidating a couple servers in to a new box. (file server, DHCP,DNS, DC and print). Originally the site consited of 2 servers, one acted as the DC/DHCP/DNS and the other as File/Print server. The DC ran its own domain, however it was trusted in to another domain, I have since removed the trust and consoldiated the machines.

When a user logs on to his/her machine wscript attempts to map the user to their old user drive on the old file server, as the server has been removed it displays the error "cannot map drive". Once you click OK the error goes away but wscript does not, and in some cases uses 200+ MB of memory and 99% of the CPU, making the machine unusable. Once wscript is killed the machine runs perfectly until next reboot. I have searched long and hard through the registry, msconfig, startup and AD etc with no sucess. As the server is old and before my time with the company I have no idea who created the script or where it was stored, one however would think that removing the old DC should have fixed this problem.


Answer : Uknown Wscript process eating large amounts of system memory

Check what Policy is applying to users from GPMC. You can find the script in \\domaincontroller\netlogon folder
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