Question : Auto-Reply for Exchange 2003 Account

I am looking to set up an auto-response for a customer service email address.  We are looking to have it so that every time an email is received an auto response is sent back telling the sender their email has been received.  We are running Exchange 2003 with OWA.  This box is only accessed currently through OWA, as it is covered by more than one user (each user has their own email address, using outlook 2007).   I've got it currently setup using out-of-office, but that will only send one single message per sender. I've also attempted to setup a rule, but this will only work if an outlook instance is open running the box (I have set this up on our Citrix server that runs outlook 2003).   Any suggestions on setting up a auto-reply would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : Auto-Reply for Exchange 2003 Account

The rule is what you need to do, but it should be able to be configured to run server side. However it depends what he rule does.
If the rule is plain text and auto replies, then it should run server side. If it has more advanced settings then it will not be server side, it will be client side.

Also note that allowing auto replies is an org wide setting and is considered quite dangerous. It can cause an email loop to be created. You cannot restrict auto replies to just one account, so another user could come along and set it up their own and there is nothing you could to stop it.

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