Question : help with FBF files
I decided to try and create a back up of my laptop last Friday before I attempted to do a system restore (back to factory settings). I have had to bounce the backup files around to different external hard drives over the past few days. I would like to try and restore my laptop using this backup but when I use Ghost 12.0 it doesn't seem to recognize the files with these extensions (fbf). I was also playing around with True Image and for the life of me I can't remember which utility I finally used to create this backup...it has been a long weekend and week. I have 2 relatively new laptops and both are on the fritz right now.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? Another item worth noting....this laptop is a Lenovo 3000 N200. It did not come with a set of recovery cd's. There is a hidden partition that contains the files to perform a restore back to factory settings. Somehow I seemed to have managed to screw that partition up too. I can see the partition under True Image, but I can't get the system to restore...that is another problem I worked on all night Sunday with the folks from Lenovo. They have to send me a set of CD's...which won't be here for another couple of days.....so I am really leery of screwing things up (again).
thanks Kimo
Answer : help with FBF files
Probably files from Rescue and Recovery: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/think/thinkvantagetech/rescuerecovery.html
You are going to need the recovery CD's - pure and simple - if you cannot access the hidden partition...