Question : Sockets - Non-blocking read


    I tried with the following code to implelemt a non-blocking read from sockets. But this returns error while reading.


int main()
    int ctrlsock,datasock;
      struct sockaddr_in sock;
      char command[100];
      int iores,bytesread;
      fd_set sockset;
      struct timeval tv;
      int valopts;
      socklen_t slen;

            printf("Error Creating Socket\n");
            return 0;
      if(fcntl(ctrlsock,F_SETFL,fcntl(ctrlsock,F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK)<0)
            printf("Error switching to non-blocking mode\n");
            return 0;

      if(inet_aton("",(struct in_addr*)&sock.sin_addr)<=0)
            printf("Invalid IP address\n");
            return 0;
      if(connect(ctrlsock,(struct sockaddr*)&sock,sizeof(sock))<0)
            printf("Error connecing to server\n");
                        printf("Damn... Cannot open non-blocking socket!\n");
                        return (0);
                        printf("Error with getsockopt\n");
                        return 0;
      printf("Connected to Server.\n");
      printf("Reading from server...\n");
                  printf("Error reading from server\n");
      return 0;


I even tried with ioctl - FIONBIO. But that does'nt help. Can anyone tell what's wrong with the code?

Answer : Sockets - Non-blocking read

from the read man page

     EAGAIN Non-blocking I/O has been selected using O_NONBLOCK and no data was immediately available for reading.
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