Question : How to resolve Error 107: the column prefix 'tblExclusion' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query ?
Do you know how I can fix a syntax error:
Error 107: the column prefix 'tblExclusion' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query
I believe this error is caused by the last line below:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.procSpACSExcl @RptYear int AS If Exists(SELECT * FROM dbo.SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME = 'tblSpACS' AND TYPE = 'U') DROP TABLE tblSpACS SELECT Null AS [Job Number], Null AS [Bus. Unit], CASE WHEN LEN(C.SSN) = 0 THEN C.TaxID ELSE C.SSN END AS [SSN], P.PropertyType AS [Prop CD], Right(C.OfficeNumber,3) + ' ' + C.CustomerNumber AS [Acct Number], P.CUSIP AS [Cusip Number], UPPER(P.SecurityName) AS [Cusip Name], P.Symbol AS [User 1], P.PlanNumber AS [User 2] INTO tblSpACS FROM tblStatesAll As S INNER JOIN (tblCustomers As C INNER JOIN tblProducts As P ON C.CustomerNumber = P .CustomerNumber AND C.OfficeNumber = P.OfficeNumber) ON S.StateFS = C.ResStateCode WHERE (S.FallCycle= 0 AND C.RedFlag = 'N' AND LEN(P.InsuranceContract) = 0) AND C.CustomerNumber NOT IN (SELECT tblExclusion.CustomerNumber FROM tblExclusion) AND C.OfficeNumber NOT IN (SELECT tblExclusion.OfficeNumber FROM tblExclusion) AND ((P .PropertyType='MUTUAL FUND' AND C.DateLost <= CAST((@RptYear - S.MutualFS) AS VARCHAR) + '-12-31' AND LEN(P.IRACode) = 0 AND (P.Quantity > 0 OR P.CashBalance > 0)) OR (P .PropertyType='FIXED INCOME' AND C.DateLost <= CAST((@RptYear - S.BondsFS) AS VARCHAR) + '-12-31' AND LEN(P.IRACode) > 0 AND (P.Quantity > 0 OR P.CashBalance > 0) AND (C.DateOfBirth <= CAST(((@RptYear - S.IRAFS)-71) AS VARCHAR) + '-06-30'))) AND (tblExclusion.CustomerNumber IS NOT NULL)
Answer : How to resolve Error 107: the column prefix 'tblExclusion' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query ?
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.procSpACSExcl @RptYear int AS If Exists(SELECT * FROM dbo.SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME = 'tblSpACS' AND TYPE = 'U') DROP TABLE tblSpACS SELECT Null AS [Job Number], Null AS [Bus. Unit], CASE WHEN LEN(C.SSN) = 0 THEN C.TaxID ELSE C.SSN END AS [SSN], P.PropertyType AS [Prop CD], Right(C.OfficeNumber,3) + ' ' + C.CustomerNumber AS [Acct Number], P.CUSIP AS [Cusip Number], UPPER(P.SecurityName) AS [Cusip Name], P.Symbol AS [User 1], P.PlanNumber AS [User 2] INTO tblSpACS FROM tblStatesAll As S INNER JOIN (tblCustomers As C INNER JOIN tblProducts As P ON C.CustomerNumber = P .CustomerNumber AND C.OfficeNumber = P.OfficeNumber) ON S.StateFS = C.ResStateCode WHERE (S.FallCycle= 0 AND C.RedFlag = 'N' AND LEN(P.InsuranceContract) = 0) AND C.CustomerNumber NOT IN (SELECT CustomerNumber FROM tblExclusion where CustomerNumber IS NOT NULL) AND C.OfficeNumber NOT IN (SELECT OfficeNumber FROM tblExclusion) AND ((P .PropertyType='MUTUAL FUND' AND C.DateLost <= CAST((@RptYear - S.MutualFS) AS VARCHAR) + '-12-31' AND LEN(P.IRACode) = 0 AND (P.Quantity > 0 OR P.CashBalance > 0)) OR (P .PropertyType='FIXED INCOME' AND C.DateLost <= CAST((@RptYear - S.BondsFS) AS VARCHAR) + '-12-31' AND LEN(P.IRACode) > 0 AND (P.Quantity > 0 OR P.CashBalance > 0) AND (C.DateOfBirth <= CAST(((@RptYear - S.IRAFS)-71) AS VARCHAR) + '-06-30'))) AND (c.CustomerNumber IS NOT NULL)