Question : Sybase + Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs'
Dear developers,
Im new to Sybase.
I got an error while I'm trying to run an Update statement to my Sybase. Acutally, there were around 10.000 records in the table I wish to do an update.
When I run the Query I got :
Server Message: Number 7412, Severity 10 Line 1: Space available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database 'AGOPSC'. All future modifications to this database will be aborted until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available. Server Message: Number 1105, Severity 17 Line 1: Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database 'AGOPSC' because 'logsegment' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase size of the segment.
Could you please help me? How could I do to avoide this problem?. This database is very active.
Best regards,
Answer : Sybase + Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs'
Check the size of the log file. It seems like your transaction log is running out of space. You will probably need to talk to your DBA about this. There are ways of truncating the log file, but I am not sure you want to be doing this if your are new to Sybase.