Question : How can we run a vb script in Linux proxy server?
How can we run a vb script in Linux proxy server? We are using Oxcyon content management software we got an error in drop down menu which is cause by un closed tags.
I think this is the line of code that giving us the error:
Function JavaScriptEscape(objRegExp
, strValue)
Dim strTemp
objRegExp.Pattern = vbCrLf & "|" & vbTab & "|\n|\t"
strTemp = objRegExp.Replace(strValue
, " ")
objRegExp.Pattern = "\s+"
strTemp = objRegExp.Replace(strTemp,
" ")
objRegExp.Pattern = "'|"""
strTemp = objRegExp.Replace(strTemp,
JavaScriptEscape = Trim(strTemp)
End Function
Answer : How can we run a vb script in Linux proxy server?
Does it help to escape the single-quotes with backslash?
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