Question : get the serial number of windows xp and ms office
Our company has 300+ windows computer either windows 98 or windows xp.
Now, we are going to have an inventory. We will check if the serial number(product key) used to install windows is match to the sticker attached in the computer. Also we would like to check the ms office installed in the computer, if it is has valid licensed.
Problem: 1.) How can I view the serial number(product key) of windows? 2.) How can I view the serial number (product key) of MS Office? 3.) I tried magic jelly bean but symantec detects it as HackTool.
Please help, thank you and God bless.
Answer : get the serial number of windows xp and ms office
try belarc advisor. it has reporting features for corporates like yours and remote install/management, i believe. does full audit beyond (but of course including) xp and office