Question : Anti-aliasing

I wanted to darken areas of the following drawing, which was done with a felt-tip pen, so the black was of uniform density,  so imported it into Inkscape and turned it into a vector drawing. The result is also below. Obviously that had the desired effect, but it also removed the previous anti-aliasing of course.

What i'd like to do is to have the best of both worlds, giving a distinct drawing with anti-aliasing so that it will blend in nicely.

I've a vague idea this can be achieved by blurring the dark image or a larger copy of the dark image but am not sure how to proceed

Answer : Anti-aliasing

I've played with Curves tool from Colors menu.

With one point (see first curve) I get the result as below. You can play with two points, too. Are these results what you wanted?

As you have (or can have, i.e. scan again the picture) a bigger picture, I would:
1. make the color transformation on the bigger picture
2. resize the picture: Image > Scale image, then type the width or height (with cubic interpolation).
Curve with one point
Curve with one point
Reusult with one point
Reusult with one point
Curve with two points
Curve with two points
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