Question : replace numeric date format in sql postgresql file

I have a postgresql dump file which I want to import to version 8.3
I need to replace numeric data in this file with format "10-25-2004" to "25-10-2004".
i.e. the middle  field needs to be swapped with the first field.

How do I do this in linux?

Answer : replace numeric date format in sql postgresql file

the "SET DATESTYLE iso, mdy;" is the best way to go. You should use same configuration for import/import, in dates and also in charset (iso-8859-1, utf-8...).

But in perl you should use [0-9] (\d for decimal is also valid) iinstead of dot. Dot matches every character, with [0-9] or \d just numbers, so it won't broke other data.

cat file | perl -pe 's/(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})/$2-$1-$3/g'
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