Question : URGENT!!!!ERROR 08501!!!!
Hi! During the execution of my app it appears the following error:RUN TIME ERROR '40002' 08501:[Microsoft][ODBC Sql Server Driver][dbnmpntw] When i make the debug the code has stop in the .movenext If i continue it gives a 'Invalid state for move' error....
This is the final phase of my job and i need to succeed in this app... If you could tell me what is wrong in this piece of code i´ll be "deeply gratefull".
This procedure has the following objectives:
For each user in the table: -Select all distinct user names and creates an array with the user_names -For each user it selects all respective rows from the table -Creates an Excell Sheet and add the user´s rows to it -Saves the sheet.
All this code(except the creation of the users array) is inside a FOR...NEXT loop. The problem is that with resultsets of about 500 rows there´s no error.It appens when the resultset retrieves about 5000 rows.
Doubt:Inside the FOR...NEXT,afer opening the resultset do i have to close it before opening the next resultset? I´m asking this because usualy,the ubound of the array=100 users and if i don´t close the resultset after it´s finishing i open 100 resultsets!!!Is it like that???
Sub Create_Sheets() Dim Cn As rdoConnection, Env As rdoEnvironment, conn As String, Mes As String Dim rsltUsers As rdoResultset, total As Double, users() As String, cd As String Dim xlApp As Excel.Application, xlBook As Excel.Workbook, xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim cnt As String, adress As String, usr As String, st As String, dt As String, hrs As String Dim prt As String, tempo As String, rcvd As String, snt As String, pro As String Dim sait As String, obj As String, a As Integer, risult As rdoResultset, TempoTotal As Double Mes = Mid(Now, 4, 2) a = 8 total = 0 Set Env = rdoEnvironments(0) conn$ = "DSN=xxxxx;UID=;PWD=;DATABASE=xxxxxxx;" Set Cn = Env.OpenConnection("", rdNoDriverPrompt, False, conn$) Set xlApp = Excel.Application Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Set rsltUsers = Cn.OpenResultset("SELECT DISTINCT USER_NAME FROM Internet WHERE FLAG = 'V' AND MESES = " & Mes - 1 & "", 2, 2, 64) While rsltUsers.StillExecuting DoEvents DoEvents Wend With rsltUsers .MoveFirst Do Until .EOF ReDim Preserve users(total) users(total) = Trim(!USER_NAME) total = total + 1 .MoveNext Loop End With For q = 0 To UBound(users) Set xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets("sheet1") xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False With xlSheet .Pictures.Insert App.Path & "\imperio.bmp" .Cells.Font.Size = 12 .Cells.Font.Bold = True .Cells.Borders.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0) .Cells(7, 1).Value = "Nº OCURRÊNCIAS" .Cells(7, 2).Value = "ENDEREÇO IP" .Cells(7, 3).Value = "USER ID" .Cells(7, 4).Value = "STATUS" .Cells(7, 5).Value = "DATA" .Cells(7, 6).Value = "HORAS" .Cells(7, 7).Value = "PORT" .Cells(7, 8).Value = "PROCESSAMENTO" .Cells(7, 9).Value = "BYTES RECEBIDOS" .Cells(7, 10).Value = "BYTES ENVIADOS" .Cells(7, 11).Value = "PROTOCOLO" .Cells(7, 12).Value = "SITE" .Cells(7, 13).Value = "FONTE" .Cells(7, 14).Value = "CODIGO" .Cells(7, 15).Value = "TOTAL(Segundos)" End With Set risult = Cn.OpenResultset("SELECT * FROM Internet WHERE USER_NAME=" & _ "'" & users(q) & "'" & "And FLAG = 'V' AND " & Mes - 1 & " = MESES order by LOG_DATE", 2, 2, 64) While risult.StillExecuting DoEvents DoEvents Wend With risult Do If .EOF Then Exit Do cnt = !Contador adress = !IP_ADDRESS usr = !USER_NAME st = !STATOS dt = !LOG_DATE hrs = !LOG_TIME
If Mid(hrs, 4, 2) >= 0 And Mid(hrs, 4, 2) <= 15 Then Mid(hrs, 4, 2) = "00" ElseIf Mid(hrs, 4, 2) >= 16 And Mid(hrs, 4, 2) <= 30 Then Mid(hrs, 4, 2) = "15" ElseIf Mid(hrs, 4, 2) >= 31 And Mid(hrs, 4, 2) <= 45 Then Mid(hrs, 4, 2) = "30" ElseIf Mid(hrs, 4, 2) >= 46 And Mid(hrs, 4, 2) <= 59 Then Mid(hrs, 4, 2) = "45" End If prt = !DEST_PORT tempo = !PROCESSING_TIME rcvd = !BYTES_RECEIVED snt = !BYTES_SENT pro = !PROTOCOL_NAME sait = !OBJECT_NAME obj = !OBJECT_SOURCE cd = !RESULT_CODE total = !Total_Segundos With xlSheet .Cells(a, 1).Value = CInt(cnt) .Cells(a, 2).Value = Trim(adress) .Cells(a, 3).Value = Trim(usr) .Cells(a, 4).Value = Trim(st) .Cells(a, 5).Value = Trim(dt) .Cells(a, 6).Value = Trim(hrs) .Cells(a, 7).Value = Trim(prt) .Cells(a, 8).Value = Trim(tempo) .Cells(a, 9).Value = Trim(rcvd) .Cells(a, 10).Value = Trim(snt) .Cells(a, 11).Value = Trim(pro) .Cells(a, 12).Value = Trim(sait) .Cells(a, 13).Value = Trim(obj) .Cells(a, 14).Value = Trim(cd) .Cells(a, 15).Value = Format(total, "###") For i = 1 To 15 .Cells(a, i).Font.Size = 10 .Cells(a, i).Font.Bold = False Next i End With .MoveNext a = a + 1 TempoTotal = TempoTotal + total Loop Until .EOF With xlSheet .Cells(a + 2, 1).Value = "Acesso Total:" If TempoTotal >= 60 Then .Cells(a + 2, 2).Value = Format(TempoTotal / 60, "###.##") & " minutos" Else .Cells(a + 2, 2).Value = TempoTotal & " segundos" End If End With End With a = 8 TempoTotal = 0 On Error Resume Next Kill App.Path & "\" & Trim(users(q)) & "(" & UCase(Left(Mez, 3)) & ")" & ".xls" xlBook.SaveAs App.Path & "\" & Trim(users(q)) & "(" & UCase(Left(Mez, 3)) & ")" & ".xls" Set xlSheet = Nothing Set xlBook = Nothing Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Next q xlApp.Quit
Set xlApp = Nothing Set xlBook = Nothing Set xlSheet = Nothing rsltUsers.Close risult.Close Cn.Close Call MAIL_SHEETS(users, Mez)
End Sub
Rui Pedro
Answer : URGENT!!!!ERROR 08501!!!!
The program MoveFirst while processing a forward-only query. To avoid this error, either change the cursor type to rdOpenKeyset, rdOpenDynamic, or rdOpenStatic, or call only MoveNext for a forward-only rdoResultset.