Like I said: instead of'hidde' (or 'visible')
I use (for all kinds of purposes):
document.getElementById('printbutton').display='none' (or '')
I never had to hide printbuttons again, but show/hide different areas on the screen, often based on a click. Imagine a section on a form that you want to expand or collapse, without a reload. Basic functionality can be archieved by making a text clickable, to act as section header and a (with an id) that contains the contents of the section.
I have not yet tried PDF Creator yet. Can't help you with that. I recommend to ask that in another question to draw a wider audience.
The costs of DominoPDF aren't that high if you consider that we had i-text as main alternative at the time (costing us weeks of work!). It also has the ability to merge documents (or AFAIK XML, URL...) into an existing PDF. That may prove beneficial for our purpose as well. I can't picture a printerdriver doing so!