Question : Administrator account not visible

Environment:  XP Pro.  Machine had been client on a domain.  There is an administrator profile.  In Safe Mode, Administrator account is not seen;  only two user accounts (in Admin group).  Issue arose in trying to change Administrator password, but cannot see the Admin account.

(The real precipitating issue before this issue was in trying to install AVG only to be told by the installer that it would not suceed because not logged on with admin privileges, but the user account I was logged on with is an Admin account.  I thought using the Real Admin account would be more acceptable to AVG but I don't know the Admin account password.  But maybe that's another post.)

--ron hicks

Answer : Administrator account not visible

If the user that you are currenlty logged in as, is a True Local Administrator then you should be able to do the following:

Right click on My Computer on the Desktop.
Select Manage
Expand System Tools
Expand Local Users and Groups
Expand Users

On the right, right click on Administrator
Select Set password
Enter new password and confirm it.

Once you have done that, then try to run the install again (Still Logged in as the current user with local admin rights) However, this time right click on the AVG Setup.exe and choose "Run As". It will ask which account you would like to use to install  the application.

Choose "Following user", should default to the local admin.
Then just type in the password you have set for administrator, then OK

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