Question : Grant a single account access to all mailboxes in Exchange 2003

I have followed several different articles on this, but still cannot seem to figure out how to open another user's mailbox, like i used to be able to do in Exchange 5.5.
From Microsoft.;en-us;821897

I have followed the instrucitons, but not sure what I need to do next.  At the top level of the Site Properties, I edited the security settings (after making the registry change to allow viewing of the Security Tab) and removed the Deny Receive As and Send As for the Enterprise Admins Group.  My user account is part of the Enterprise Admins Group.  \

I then drilled down to the mailbox stores and see my changes did propagate down, but I still cannot open other user's email boxes.  I have gone into my Outlook (Outlook 2003) and done File\Open\Other User's Folder and I get "Unable to display the folder.  The folder could not be found".  

I have tried creating a new profile, while logged in as both myslef and another Exchange Administrator account and all that happens is, I keep getting propted for a username and password while trying to connect to the Exchange server (like I would if I wasn't logged into the domain).  I supply the correct credentials, even making sure I preceed the username with the domain, i.e. domain\username and the correct password, and it just keeps popping back up like it is still waiting for me to enter the password.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  We have some issues at work where the CEO is suspicious of another worker breaking confidentiality rules and wants their email checked (which is allowed via the email policy they signed).

Thanks in advance.

Answer : Grant a single account access to all mailboxes in Exchange 2003

shouldn't need to

either from you rown mail profile choose open, other user's folder and select the folder or, if you need full access, go to accounts, exchange and advanced and add additional mailboxes.
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