Question : e107 install


Not sure if we have been doing this right, trying to install an intranet. I know e107 needs php and mysql. so far (not sure if this is right) we have all the e107 extracted to the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot folder, created a php folder and extracted php to it, webserver setup to point to the directory and have tweeked alot of paths.

At the moment if i use the ip address of the server, it now brings up the e107 install screen so i must be doing something right. My problem seems to be the mysql, no matter what i try i cant get it to connect to this mysql.

Do i need a ftp to upload files?
Do i need a web hosting?

where am i going wrong?

using windoes 2000 and using iis 5.0


Answer : e107 install

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