Question : add&delete path to @INC
ive download a program from the internet and installed it in my windows and it works fine...
now i test in in my linux machine (./setup), it gives me error message: --> pls include /some/new/path/to/script AND /another/new/path in your @INC.
so i read the manual & previous question the best i can get is %export PERL5LIB="the/new/path" ..(have to be command line) .. tried that one but the maximum path i can insert is just one... if i try to insert another, it will replace the first one...
also tried -use lib 'location of module' but that works only in a script..., but this installation is a command line..
i also tried push(@INC,'/this new path'); in a script but work only in that script... if exit, the @INC will give original value...
if somebody have the solution, pls give the solution to remove the new path from @INC bcause this installation are suppose to be temporary...
thank youuuu
Answer : add&delete path to @INC
have you tried -Idirectory or export PERL5LIB="/some/new/path:/another/new/path"