Question : Need sample on how to acess Oracle using ojdbc14.jar


Need sample on how to acess Oracle using ojdbc14.jar

if at all posible.


Answer : Need sample on how to acess Oracle using ojdbc14.jar

ojdbc14.jar is the JDBC thin client that is provided by Oracle (this is the equivalent for the old ""). To use this through Python is a little tricky - if you use Jython, then it should be straightforward enough (Create a java.sql.Connection, use that to create a java.sql.Statement, use that to executeQuery() on a SQL statement, which will return a java.sql.ResultSet, which can be used to go through the data.
If you are using C Python, then ojdbc14.jar is not the way to go... You should have a look at cx_Oracle, which is a Database access module conforming to the Python database API. ( You'll need the Oracle Client software installed to use this...

Documentation on using cx_Oracle is available here:
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