Question : How-to Launch a Popup Window to another webpage

Hello Folks,

I've been working on this issue for several days and I have tried all sort of code snippets but so far nothing is working, it really shouldn't be this difficult to launch a popup window from a transparent button within Adobe Captivate 3.

Here's what I've tried so far:

I've also tried"index.html","windowName","menubar=no,address=no,width=1024,height=825,toolbar=no");

and this:

I am also trying a different approach by only setting a variable with the button and doing the rest on the webpage side of it. I am settting a variable on the button like this:

and then writing a function to inside the webpage that I got from an example I saw on the web that uses the Super Mario Brothers...

Adobe Captivate doesn't go a very good job with its Javascript support for buttons. Here is the function I am adding to the head section of the HTML page that Captivate creates after publishing the content:

                  function identify(person){
                        var feedback = document.getElementById("feedback");
                  case "launch_course" :"index.html","UDDI Webservices","menubar=no,address=no,width=1024,height=825,toolbar=no");
                  case "launch_navigation" :"navigation.html","How To Navigate This Course","menubar=no,address=no,width=1024,height=825,toolbar=no");

So far nothing but bad luck with what I've tried so far....any ideas?

Thank you,

Milo Dodds

Answer : How-to Launch a Popup Window to another webpage

"start with something easier and then start adding the complexity of other pieces to find where things are breaking. This is the divide/conquer approach to basic troubleshooting 101"

Yes, but that is an awful lot of work for you.   I would suggest you contact the people who make this e-learning software and tell them the problem.  Also tell they you don't have time to "discover" all the gotchas and problems in their software -- it could take you months -- tell them to have their lead developer call you and sort it out.  Otherwise you can grow old and gray trying to reverse engineer their debacle !!
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