Question : Convert For loop procedure to FORALL or Bulk Collect
Hi guys
here is the proc I have which is working fine but since there is a switch over between sql and pl/sql looks like it takes lot of time... how do i convert this into FORALL or bulk collect procedure so i can reduce talk between pl/sql and sql engine...
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE H.CMATES_Stats_Gen_test IS BEGIN FOR c IN (SELECT school_id,usernum,startyear,endyear FROM test.DAILY_C_JOINS) LOOP INSERT INTO test.new_CMATES ( RECIPIENT_USERNUM, EMAILADDRESS, FIRSTBLAME, LASTBLAME, SCHOOL_ID, PRIMARYSCHOOL, SCHOOL_BLAME, RECIPIENT_VALIDATION_STATUS, RECIPIENT_STARTYEAR, RECIPIENT_ENDYEAR, NEW_CM_STARTYEAR, NEW_CM_ENDYEAR, CMATE_USERNUM, CMATEFIRSTBLAME, CMATELASTBLAME, NEW_CMATES_ALERT) (SELECT watcher.usernum AS recipient_usernum, watcher.EMAIL AS emailAddress, watcher.firstBLAME AS firstBLAME, watcher.lastBLAME AS lastBLAME, watcher_aw.school_id AS school_id, watcher_aw.primary_school AS primarySchool, nh.BLAME AS school_BLAME, hev.validation_status AS recipient_validation_status, watcher_aw.startyear AS recipient_startyear, watcher_aw.endyear AS recipient_endyear, c.startyear AS new_cm_startyear, c.endyear AS new_cm_endyear, joiner.usernum AS Cmate_usernum, joiner.firstBLAME AS CmateFirstBLAME, NVL(joiner.maidenBLAME,joiner.lastBLAME) AS CmateLastBLAME, nvl(hev.new_CMATES_alert,1) as NEW_CMATES_ALERT FROM H.PDA joiner, H.PDA watcher, H.PDAALUMNIWATCH watcher_aw, H.PDA_EMAIL_PROFILE hev, H.NEW_HIGHSCHOOLS nh WHERE watcher.deleted=0 AND joiner.deleted=0 -- --AND hev.validation_status IN (1,2,3) --AND hev.new_CMATES_alert IS NULL OR hev.new_CMATES_alert=1 -- AND nh.pin=c.school_id AND hev.usernum=watcher.usernum AND joiner.gradyear BETWEEN watcher_aw.startyear AND watcher_aw.endyear AND watcher.usernum=watcher_aw.usernum AND c.school_id=watcher_aw.school_id AND joiner.usernum=c.usernum) ; COMMIT; END LOOP; END; /
Answer : Convert For loop procedure to FORALL or Bulk Collect
how about you skip pl/sql completely and just do it one sql statement...
INSERT INTO TEST.new_cmates (recipient_usernum, emailaddress, firstblame, lastblame, school_id, primaryschool, school_blame, recipient_validation_status, recipient_startyear, recipient_endyear, new_cm_startyear, new_cm_endyear, cmate_usernum, cmatefirstblame, cmatelastblame, new_cmates_alert) (SELECT watcher.usernum AS recipient_usernum, watcher.email AS emailaddress, watcher.firstblame AS firstblame, watcher.lastblame AS lastblame, watcher_aw.school_id AS school_id, watcher_aw.primary_school AS primaryschool, nh.blame AS school_blame, hev.validation_status AS recipient_validation_status, watcher_aw.startyear AS recipient_startyear, watcher_aw.endyear AS recipient_endyear, c.startyear AS new_cm_startyear, c.endyear AS new_cm_endyear, joiner.usernum AS cmate_usernum, joiner.firstblame AS cmatefirstblame, NVL(joiner.maidenblame, joiner.lastblame) AS cmatelastblame, NVL(hev.new_cmates_alert, 1) AS new_cmates_alert FROM h.pda joiner, h.pda watcher, h.pdaalumniwatch watcher_aw, h.pda_email_profile hev, h.new_highschools nh, (SELECT school_id, usernum, startyear, endyear FROM TEST.daily_c_joins) c WHERE watcher.deleted = 0 AND joiner.deleted = 0 -- --AND hev.validation_status IN (1,2,3) --AND hev.new_CMATES_alert IS NULL OR hev.new_CMATES_alert=1 -- AND nh.pin = c.school_id AND hev.usernum = watcher.usernum AND joiner.gradyear BETWEEN watcher_aw.startyear AND watcher_aw.endyear AND watcher.usernum = watcher_aw.usernum AND c.school_id = watcher_aw.school_id AND joiner.usernum = c.usernum);
or if you must wrap it in a procedure then still skip the looping and forall construct and just
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE h.cmates_stats_gen_test IS BEGIN INSERT INTO TEST.new_cmates (recipient_usernum, emailaddress, firstblame, lastblame, school_id, primaryschool, school_blame, recipient_validation_status, recipient_startyear, recipient_endyear, new_cm_startyear, new_cm_endyear, cmate_usernum, cmatefirstblame, cmatelastblame, new_cmates_alert) (SELECT watcher.usernum AS recipient_usernum, watcher.email AS emailaddress, watcher.firstblame AS firstblame, watcher.lastblame AS lastblame, watcher_aw.school_id AS school_id, watcher_aw.primary_school AS primaryschool, nh.blame AS school_blame, hev.validation_status AS recipient_validation_status, watcher_aw.startyear AS recipient_startyear, watcher_aw.endyear AS recipient_endyear, c.startyear AS new_cm_startyear, c.endyear AS new_cm_endyear, joiner.usernum AS cmate_usernum, joiner.firstblame AS cmatefirstblame, NVL(joiner.maidenblame, joiner.lastblame) AS cmatelastblame, NVL(hev.new_cmates_alert, 1) AS new_cmates_alert FROM h.pda joiner, h.pda watcher, h.pdaalumniwatch watcher_aw, h.pda_email_profile hev, h.new_highschools nh, (SELECT school_id, usernum, startyear, endyear FROM TEST.daily_c_joins) c WHERE watcher.deleted = 0 AND joiner.deleted = 0 -- --AND hev.validation_status IN (1,2,3) --AND hev.new_CMATES_alert IS NULL OR hev.new_CMATES_alert=1 -- AND nh.pin = c.school_id AND hev.usernum = watcher.usernum AND joiner.gradyear BETWEEN watcher_aw.startyear AND watcher_aw.endyear AND watcher.usernum = watcher_aw.usernum AND c.school_id = watcher_aw.school_id AND joiner.usernum = c.usernum); END;