Question : How to convert 24fps to 29fps without lossing sync to audio

I have a DivX video that I downloaded. I converted it to mpg so I could watch it on my dvd player, but since the movie is at 24fps its kinda jerky. So I converted it to 29fps, but now the audio and video are out of sync. How can I correct this without using 3:2 pulldown method?

Answer : How to convert 24fps to 29fps without lossing sync to audio

speeding it up will make the pitch rise, like weed says, you want to transpose the sound so that it goes faster but keeps the same pitch, i've been looking to find a program to do this effectively for a while, so will be watching to see if anyone posts a good answer ;) to speed it up though, you can use sonic foundry sound forge to set the new time for the sound, will keep you going until you find a transposer, just set the sound file's new time to that of the video, may need a bit of tinkering to get it exactly right but will do the job to make the video watchable at least
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