Question : CPIO ERRORS

Unixware - Is there a log I can look at to see what files did not get stored and/or restore and what was the error message when I am using cpio to do my backups and restores. Example Restore

cpio -icvdumC32768 -I/dev/rmst/ctape1 "DATA/*"

Thank you.


Avoid use -C with cpio when you can (if you forgot which value was use, then you will
have trouble to restore it)

For SCO you the following option is good enough:

Write to tape, support multiple volumes:
cat LIST | /bin/cpio -oacv -O /dev/rmst/ctape1
or (backup the whole system)
find / -print | /bin/cpio -oacv -O /dev/rmst/ctape1

To restore:
cd /dir-torestore
cpio -icdmuv -I /dev/rmst/ctape1

To log the cpio restore:
cpio -icdmuv -I /dev/rmst/ctape1 >/tmp/cpio.log 2>&1

It will log the whole restore process, if you only want errors, see  gheist's comment.

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