Question : ForEach and ForEach-Object not the same?
I was hoping someone could help me with this. I have a script in which I used many aliasesI was going through and removing all aliases to make it easier for people who aren't familar with PS to read. When I change line 14 from foreach to foreach-object, it breaks the scripts and I get
Unexpected token 'in' in expression or statement. At C:\Users\albinoanteater\HSN\Scripts\RestartService2.ps1:14 char:27 + foreach-Object($Srv in <<<< $TextFile) Any ideas?
Here is the full script.
$TestFileLocation=$args[0] $ServiceName=$args[1]
if ($ServiceName -eq "") { Write-Host "Usage:Powershell RestartService2.ps1 ServerListFilename ServiceName"; exit; } else { $YMD = Get-Date -uformat %Y%m%d%H%M $TextFile = Get-Content "$TestFileLocation" $Result = @() foreach($Srv in $TextFile) { "Info_: Stopping $ServiceName on $Srv at $YMD" $ResultStop = (Get-WmiObject -computer $Srv Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$ServiceName'").StopService() if ($ResultStop.ReturnValue -eq "0") { "Info_: The $ServiceName has been stopped. Now restarting." $ResultStart = (Get-WmiObject -computer $Srv Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$ServiceName'").StartService() | Select-Object ReturnValue "Info_: The Return Value is $resultstart" } else { "Error: The $ServiceName on $Srv has failed to stop. Skipping this service." } } }
Thanks in advance.
Answer : ForEach and ForEach-Object not the same?