Question : `linux` unknown terminal type

I'm missing something, so I figured I'd go to the experts, so here it goes.  I have Red Hat V7.3 that is set up to boot into run level 3 as it's very stripped down.  When I type clear, I get `linux` unknown terminal type.  If I type echo $TERM, I do get linux.  I checked the termcap file and there is an entry for linux.  I also check the /usr/share/terminfo/l folder and there is an entry for linux there to.  A lot of sites say to set export TERM=linux or vt100.  I've tried both of those and it didn't help.  All I really want to do is get the screen to stop going blank by using setterm -blank.  Anyone have any idea's?  
Since search is temporarily out of service, I'm going to go ahead and submit this.

Answer : `linux` unknown terminal type

Yhe RH 7.3 system that I'm using right now (not stripped don, but pretty much a stard workstation) only goes to run level 3 and on a colsole terminal clear works as expected. The man page for clear states that it uses the value of the TERM env variable to extract the clear screen codes from the terminfo database. When on the console I see:

chaos> echo $TERM

and 'infocmp linux' returns a reasonable terminfo entry.

Do you see a terminfo entry if you execute 'infocmp linux'?

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