Question : Websphere v5 configuration and servlets
Hi All,
I'm new to Websphere and I'm currently having a few issues which people here may be able to help me with.
1. I downloaded a trial version of WAS v5 and installed it on a WinNT workstation SP6a machine. All seems ok and the web server (server1) starts normally. But when I go to the log files for server1 I get the following errors:
+2 1 03.02.07 15:40:19:287 GMT java.io.FileNotFoundException com.ibm.ejs.jms.listener.AsyncMessageLog.readRequestLogFile 128 +3 1 03.02.07 15:40:24:755 GMT java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.ibm.ws.activity.ActivityServiceInterceptor.loadMigrationImpls 424 +4 1 03.02.07 15:40:29:342 GMT com.ibm.ws.naming.jcache.CacheEntryNotFoundException com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.getInitialContextInternal 367 +5 1 03.02.07 15:40:32:947 GMT javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException com.ibm.ws.naming.ipcos.WsnOptimizedNamingImpl.do_bind_new_corba_context 1042 +6 1 03.02.07 15:40:32:947 GMT org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBound com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doCreateSubcontext 2155 +7 1 03.02.07 15:40:32:957 GMT javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.createSubcontext 756 +8 1 03.02.07 15:40:34:910 GMT java.lang.NullPointerException com.ibm.ws.utils.VUTrace.initialisation 584 +9 1 03.02.07 15:40:35:811 GMT javax.naming.NameNotFoundException com.ibm.ws.naming.urlbase.UrlContext.lookup 1226 +10 1 03.02.07 15:40:35:811 GMT javax.naming.NameNotFoundException com.ibm.ws.naming.urlbase.UrlContext.lookup 1252 +11 1 03.02.07 15:40:37:894 GMT java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.ibm.ejs.jms.listener.MDBListenerManagerImpl.initializeMQJMSConnectionPooling 705 +12 1 03.02.07 15:40:37:904 GMT java.io.FileNotFoundException com.ibm.ejs.jms.DurableSubscriptionManagerImpl.readDurableSubscriptionFile 236 +13 1 03.02.07 15:41:06:866 GMT java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.ibm.ws.classloader.CompoundClassLoader.loadClass 248 +14 1 03.02.07 15:41:10:641 GMT java.util.MissingResourceException com.ibm.ejs.sm.client.ui.NLS.NLS 166
Anyone know what may be causing this?
2. I created a simple servlet (simply outputs some html) and put this into the classes folder of the default application (DefaultApplication.ear\DefaultWebApplication.war\WEB-INF\classes). I can then go to IE and type http://localhost:9080/servlet/SimpleServlet to run the servlet. If I then put the servlet into the classes folder of any of the other sample applications I can't call the servlet and the following error gets logged in the websphere logs:
java.lang.NullPointerException com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletManager.doDestroy 419
I'm not sure why I can call a servlet from the default context but not from any of the other contexts.
Would really appreciate any help.
Thanks, Michael.
Answer : Websphere v5 configuration and servlets
the default servlet has a special mapping to /servlet/*, this is easy to test a servlet but has potential security problem.
you should always map your servlet in you own web application's \web-inf\web.xml file:
uniqueNameYouGivevlet-name> com.your.package.YourServletervlet-class>
uniqueNameYouGivevlet-name> /any/path/to/YourServlettern>
you must put all definations first then if you have more then one servlet.