Question : Change Phone number listed in Google Search results

I'm having trouble with the content that displays on the Search results for the Ronald McDonald House of CT web site.
When we type in Ronald McDonald House of CT the map that shows up on the top of the page has the incorrect phone number. When I click on the map image, it goes to a page that has the correct number. There is no meta data and that number is nowhere in the site.
I need to get the number changed, but can't figure out how. Can someone help?

Answer : Change Phone number listed in Google Search results

When I searched Google Maps I got this page:

It looks like this is the correct phone number?

When I just do a search in Google - a map is shown but it is not for your website - it is linked to I dont' know why that is!

You can use the "claim listing" in the Google Maps to edit details - Look at this local business center guide for Google Maps:

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