Question : Pay For Perfomance Model
Tell us about Pay For Performance Model , How many companies are currently providing PFP services? How does pay per lead diffrentiates from PFP Model?
Answer : Pay For Perfomance Model
mcse20002000 -
>i guess performics is providding this feature in there Service Called ISearch
No I don't think so. Performics iSearch is charged on a cost plus basis I believe. The normal charging model for PPC management is based on 10 - 15% of the budget with a minimum charge. Pay by results for SEO is a dangerous game because you have no control over the search engines and no recourse if a site gets dropped or slides down the SERPs for no apparent reason.
I do not think there is any room to differentiate a new PPC management company in the charging model but there is still plenty of room on the offering side. Take for example Efficient Frontier which is applying mathematical modelling and a portfolio approach. A very good company and I only wish I had thought of it first :) http://www.efrontier.com
- duz