Question : Hardest SEO Job Questions
One person wana join our company he says that he is an SEO since 1995. i got the task to interview him on behalf of my company
I want you to tell me the MOST DIFFICULT SEO / Internet Marketing Job Question you can Think of. Of course tell me the answer .
This is the Second DUZ CHALLENGE :)
i am sure you will give us eye opening questions that can be used as refrence to hire Experienced SEO / Internet Marketers
Answer : Hardest SEO Job Questions
mcse20002000 -
>tell me the MOST DIFFICULT SEO / Internet Marketing Job Question you can Think of
Wow that is a challenge!!
My interview techniques are pretty unorthodox but here are few ideas for you to think about.
Who is Krishna Bharat? Answer: Principal Scientist at Google.
What is Local Page Rank? Answer: http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6,725,259.WKU.&OS=PN/6,725,259&RS=PN/6,725,259
In Google's IPO S-1 SEC filing the Proposed Maximum Aggregate Offering was $2,718,281,828 why did they choose that number? Answer: It's Euler's number e = 2.718281828...
What is the Hilltop algorithm? Answer: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~georgem/hilltop/
What do you say to a prospective client who wants their Gambling site to be first in the SERPs for 'poker'? Answer: What's your budget?
What is Topic Distillation? Answer: http://www.persistent.co.in/newsandevents/publications/SIGIR.pdf
What do you tell a client whose site has just been sandboxed? Answer: I did warn you this might happen!
What was the Google GLAT and did you attempt it? Answer: http://www.google.com/googleblog/2004/09/pencils-down-people.html
Does Google index the acronym tag? Answer: Yes
Why did Google acquire Applied Semantics? Answer: http://www.google.com/press/pressrel/applied.html
What is the easiest way to determine the sample size you should use for a PPC A/B split test? Answer: Run an A/A test until they are consistently within less than 0.5% of each other, then use that number.
Does Google now use Latent Semantic Indexing? Answer: Yes.
Have you done the Google Advertising Professional Exam? Answer: https://adwords.google.com/select/professionalwelcome
- duz