Question : Rails installation error
Dear all,
I have installed Ruby 1.8.6, and currently would like to install Rails-0.9.4
After downloading Rails installer, i extracted the installer nside folder C:/Ruby
Then at C:\Ruby\rubygems-0.9.4, i typed "gem install rails"
.. and get error below
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError) Bad file descriptor - connect(2)(Errno::EBADF)
Could you please advice?
Answer : Rails installation error
It is likely an issue with your firewall
You have two options - switch off the firewall during the install - download the gem for rails (and all the dependencies: ActionMailer, ActionPack, ActionWebService, ActiveRecord and ActiveSupport) and install them from your local machine you can find the gems at ruby sourceforge http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=307
good luck