Question : MySQL Left Join Query with only the most recent value from second table
I have two tables:
Table 1: name: members fields: memberID, firstname, lastname
Table 2: name: meetings fields: meetingID, meetingdate, greetID
I want to develop a mySQL query in a PHP script that will result in ALL the records in Table 1(members) and only one row from Table 2 (meetings) where greetID = memberID. There can be many rows in Table 2 that could result; I only want the one with the MOST RECENT meetingdate.
Some rows in Table 1 may not have any matching rows in Table 2. I want to include these as well
I've gotten as far as building a LEFT JOIN:
SELECT members.firstname, members.lastname, meetings.meetingdate FROM members LEFT JOIN meetings on memberID = greetID ORDER BY meetingdate
However,I end up with all the matching records from the second table (meetings). I only want the most recent date from the meetings table
Fields I want in this query: members.firstname, members.lastname, members.memberID, meetings.meetingdate
Can anyone help me?
Answer : MySQL Left Join Query with only the most recent value from second table
Oops, shuld have used max instead of min.
SELECT members.firstname, members.lastname, max(meetings.meetingdate) FROM members LEFT JOIN meetings on memberID = greetID group by memberid ORDER BY meetingdate