Question : If I have two email accounts in Outlook, how do I send emails from each one with the correct email address showing?

I'm setting my Outlook 2007 up to show my two email accounts. How can I send mail from each account and make sure that the correct account address is shown?

E.g. - account 1 is the default, but I want to send from account 2 showing account 2 address.

I've got a seperate question running asking how to manage email from separate accounts but what is the best way to manage two separate email accounts in Outlook?

Answer : If I have two email accounts in Outlook, how do I send emails from each one with the correct email address showing?

Assuming you have more than one email account set up then on an email under the send button there should be a button 'Account' select here the account that is to be used as the sender email address.

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