Question : How do I change the print spooler to 'start printing after last page is spooled' by registry

My customer has asked me to change the print spool setting from 'start printing immediately' to - 'start printing after last page is spooled' on all client pc
The print infrastrucure is Novell NDPS / Iprint over LPR direct to printers. - this setting is local to the workstation though. I need some way to push the change to client pc but I cant find where this exists in the registry.
the key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\,,<printer>DsSpooler\printspooling has a value 'printwhilespooling' or 'printdirect'  which changes if I turn spooling off / on.  but the two sub options under spool documents (after last page or print immediate) dont seem to make any change to the reg when toggled


Answer : How do I change the print spooler to 'start printing after last page is spooled' by registry

It just a little bit more tricky.
What you are looking for is hidden in the 2 rightmost bits of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printer\Your_Printer\Attributes

The codes are
0 - use spooler and start print immediately
1 -  use spooler and start after last page is spooled
2 - print directly to printer.

Don't  change other bits.
And the trick is that  after the change you have to restart "Printer Spooler" service to activate  the new settings .
Good luck.

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