Question : Play a specific scene or frame after I used LoadMovie method
Example I have a movie named movie1, then from there I try to load a movie named movie2. In movie2, there is a button for user to close the movie, once the movie2 is closed, it will bring user back to movie1 where he was before.
The problem here is that I want the user to go back to the specific frame or scene of movie1 after I reload movie1???? I keep getting movie1 to play the 1st frame of the 1st scene...
So how to I gotoAndPlay a scene or frame after I used loadMovie for movie1????
The code below is how I write.
-> In movie1.swf on(release) { unloadMovieNum(0); loadMovie("movie2.swf",0);
-> In movie2.swf on(release) { unloadMovieNum(0); loadMovie("movie1.swf",0); // try to have movie1 to play scene 2 but it cannot work //_root.gotoAndPlay("Scene 2", 1);
Answer : Play a specific scene or frame after I used LoadMovie method
i tried something quickly and this worked fine.
on (release) { loadMovieNum("movie1.swf", 1); _level1.gotoAndPlay(40); }
and that worked,
but when i loaded to _level0 it didn't....
odd, not sure why, maybe someone knows....
but if you need a quick hack, you can load into 1.