Question : in HTML: Refresh swf in hidden HTML layer
Hi there,
I've got an SWF menu system in my html page.
I've a hidden layer which contains a 'transition' swf.
My nav buttons DON'T change the page...they call the relevant hidden layer, which reveals the transition swf, and this swf ultimately contains the getURL function to change the page content within an iframe (note therefore that the parent window never refreshes). Effectively, this allows me to create my own custom page transition.
I hit nav link 'A'.......this causes hidden layer 'A' to appear and play swf 'A' which is in it...swf 'A' eventually hits an action that tells the iframe content in the HTML to change to 'B'. Then it tells it itself to stop and hide the layer it's in again. Great. We're on the next page now.
What isn't great is NEXT TIME I hit the SAME LINK...it once again reveals the layer, but the swf is at it's final frame (having already played) and so doesn't work. What's worse is it sits over everything else in the page and so breaks ALL links...
What I want to achieve is one of the following:
1. When I hit the nav link, not only will it show the relevant layer but it will also force swf 'A' to PLAY from frame 1.
2. When swf 'A' reaches it's final frame, it resets itself ready for the next time it has to pop up n do it's thing.
Any ideas?? Beats me...
Answer : in HTML: Refresh swf in hidden HTML layer
Split it up the way you see fit... just glad we could help.