Question : Relaying denied. IP name possibly forged
i'm so tired trying to set up bind server, i can send and receive mail from server and receive mails from internet but when i tried to send mails from external all mails are rejected
550 5.7.1 . Relaying denied. IP name possibly forged [201.129.204.xx]
I just looked at documentation and saw sendmail by default does not support it but i changed to in smtp, but i did not work.. As far now i just chequed lunix firewall and opened aaaalllllll !
by the way i have linux 9
Answer : Relaying denied. IP name possibly forged
If you can't use IP/network rules in the access map your only sane choice will be to use SMTP AUTH to allow external clients that authenticate to relay mail through the server. That's covered fairly well in http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/auth.html. Since RedHat 9 is shipped with a Sendmail built to use SASL it is mostly a matter of configuring sendmail.mc to support SMTP AUTH and picking a method for authentication.
The authentication method depends mostly on how secure you need this server to be and whether the admin burden of creating SASL auth info for each user is more than the increased security that non-plaintext passwords affords. Using methods other than PLAIN & LOGIN requires the use of sasldb, which means that each mail system user has to have auth info created just for Sendmail's use.