Question : Conditional where clause
Hi, I'm sure I have had a solution to this problem before but I just can't find it. Anyway, I want to only include certain parts of a where clause if the data I am testing is of a cetain value. The best way for me to explain it is to include some code (that doesnt work but should help).
Where ((If @JobsIndustryiD > 0) JobsIndustryiD = @JobsIndustryiD) And ((If @JobVerticalMarketiD > 0) JobVerticalMarketiD = @JobVerticalMarketiD) And ((If Len(@JobVerticalMarketiD) > 0) JobVerticalMarketiD = @JobVerticalMarketiD)
Answer : Conditional where clause
You can do away with most of your ( ) and you dont need to use teh LEN function but you may need to use ISNULL(@JobVerticalMarketiD,'')
WHERE (@JobsIndustryiD <= 0 OR JobsIndustryiD = @JobsIndustryiD) AND (@JobVerticalMarketiD <= 0 OR JobVerticalMarketiD = @JobVerticalMarketiD) AND (@JobVerticalMarketiD = '' OR JobVerticalMarketiD = @JobVerticalMarketiD)
Cheers, Andrew