Question : Extracting image (.img) file
I have to install a scsi driver during my Redhat linux 7.2 installation for the onboard Ultra 320 SCSI. I got the driver from adaptec site and extracted the image using " dd " . But in the extracted files . there is a readme file which is no in a readable format so i cant follo the instructions.. when i insert the driver disk during installation its accpting the driver but could not identify scsi.. so i doubt i have to follow the instructions in the README flie.. So my question is whether there is any error in my extraction. iused the command... dd if= name.img of= /dev/fd0.. is it correct... or sholud i mention any more option in order to read the README file.( which looks like a binary file).. please provide me a solution....
Thanks and regards
Answer : Extracting image (.img) file