Question : How to monitor Internet Usage on a Windows PC

What I am trying to accomplish is to create a windows service that runs on a Windows PC and monitors the URL's being visted and how long they are being visted for. On top of this, the service will connect to an internal database and if a set time period is exceeded for XYZ domain, throttle the bandwidth to that domain to almost nothing. I know that this can be achieved using a Proxy Server or a similar service but that is not an option.  I have tried searching google but, the problem is, I don't know exactly what this is called or how to ask google for the relevant Win API documentation.

I know that this is going to involve some WinApi hooks I just don't know which ones to look at nor how to get information about any browser running on the machine.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer : How to monitor Internet Usage on a Windows PC

Not  entirely sure here but it sounds like you are are trying to conduct some bandwidth shaping so your users are not spending hours on ebay, or whatever...

there are several applications out there you can user such as SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager

This application manages the services and allocates bandwidth to the user, and is transparent to the end user.....

check out
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