Question : Combine log files into one file?

I am using robocopy to back up my servers and then emailing the backup logs using bmail software. I am trying to combine all logs from different servers running at different time into one log file at the end and bmail it to me instead of getting 8 different log files everyday!.
I can direct all logs to go into one network folder. Is there a free software that will merge all those logs into one file? I tried the /LOG+:file parameter from robocopy but it didn't work, it was emailing me some funny characters, i don't think it logs well when accessing from the network.

any suggestions?

Answer : Combine log files into one file?

copy file1+file2+file3+file4+file5+file6+file7+file8 newfile.log


for /f "tokens=*" %A in ('dir /b *.log') do type "%A">>newlog.log

(this assumes that the log files are all named something.LOG)
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