Question : Need to Raname a field using SQL statement
We are having problems with a FIELD name using VB and therefore we need to rename it... We have tried many SQL statements we found out in the internet but were unsuccessful... These are some options we have tried:
ALTER TABLE Presupuestos_detalle ALTER COLUMN [pvp_descto-pre-det] RENAME pvp_descto_det_pre
Incorrect systax near pvp_descto_det_pre
ALTER TABLE Presupuestos_detalle RENAME [pvp_descto-pre-det] TO pvp_descto_det_pre
Incorrect syntax near pvp_descto-det-pre
ALTER TABLE Presupuestos_detalle RENAME COLUMN [pvp_descto-pre-det] TO pvp_descto_det_pre
Incorrect syntax near keyword 'COLUMN'
We cannot use the SQL Server to rename it... It must be done in our VB programme using a SQL statement, but we run out of options... Any other option? Thank U very much
Answer : Need to Raname a field using SQL statement
try the following
sp_rename 'Pedidos_cli_detalle.[pvp_descto-det-ped]' , 'pvp_descto_det_ped', 'COLUMN'