Question : <div style="float:right; in Microsoft outlook 2007


I have Microsoft outlook 2007

From my Java program I am sending newsleter to the subscribed users

When I preview the newsletter into the Microsoft outlook 2007

I don't see my newletter to be fine

My div tag with style="float:right doesn't work

Is there any tag which can help me

As whatever is in the above div tag is comming at the bottom of the text, where that should be on the right

Also, I was searching I found

Float/clear goes hand in hand

What does it means?

Please help me out

Many Thanks

Answer : <div style="float:right; in Microsoft outlook 2007

Strangely, e-mail standards are very far from where the web is at. It kills me, but don't use CSS in e-mail designs.

Use HTML 4.0 only code. Old programs like Frontpage 2003 actually do a nice job of creating really ugly deprecated HTML that works perfect for email.

So it would be:
instead of
   float: right;
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