Question : httpd.conf
I have just installed apache2 for the umpteenth time...and I am trying to configure it for php...I am on a windows2k pro machine, And the php4ts.dll file is in the php folder C:/php and the httpd.conf file is in C:/program files/apache group/apache2/conf
Can anyobne please explain what I have to type into that file to get php to work with apache....I have looked read and wrtitten on the apache/php and other websites...
Some are obviously out of date, and most I would say presume that one knows some thing...not good....
I am at my wits end...
This all came about becasue I had it all installed but couldn;t get an email form to work...so made some changes and everthing stopped working...now need to start again!!!!!!!!
Anyway enough frustration...by the way I would like to use php4...and have obviously already downloaded it and installed!!
Answer : httpd.conf
add this below the LoadModule section in httpd.conf, may be modify the path to your files:
LoadFile "C:/program files/apache group/apache2/bin/php4ts.dll" LoadModule php4_module "C:/program files/apache group/apache2/bin/php4apache2.dll" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .php3 .phtml