Question : Search Engine Registration
Hi, Guys.
I would ask you a question about search engine registration.
I made up my site and I would register my site in Gogool.
So here is my question.
I have two different contents in my site. One is www.OOOOO.com/index.html --This is for My Web design service--, Another one is www.OOOOO.com/shop1/shopIndex.cfm --This is my online shop to sell lighters.--
Both Domain Name is same. One is www.OOOOO.com/index.html, Another is shopIndex.cfm in subdirectory of www.OOOOO.com
Is it possible registering two files in Gogool? Does Gogool reject two because of same Domain Name?
Regards and BestWish, portal123
Answer : Search Engine Registration
I believe you meant Google (http://www.google.com). Actually the googlebot (spider that indexes web pages), will crawl your site by visiting all links to it. So naturally, the more links to the page, the better chance for it to be indexed.
What I can suggest is that you link to both these pages to every page in your site, maybe as headers or footers or perhaps menubars.
For example, (not self promoting here) check out the result for my site:
As you can see from my site (http://www.heritage-tech.net), every page available is represented in the Navigation menubox (on the left side of page), and key pages are also included as text links at the header (underneath the Flash logo). So it helps a lot!
Just my opinion :)