Question : How can I read the SIM number?


I currently must roll out over 50+ computers each with their unique User/pass for the cellular network.

These user/pass combos are unique to each sim and my idea is that I want to automate the install process much due to the PC's will see around 2 reinstalls in their lifetime, so I dont want to type this info in 150+ times.

I've already tried to export the profile off the software, the user/pass is cleartext so it should be straight forward to import new profiles if I am able to read the SIM number off the computer.

The specs are as following:
Fujitsu Siemens LifeBook T5010
Windows XP Tablet Edition
Sierra Wireless HSPA Network Adapter (MC8790)
Sierra 3G Watcher build 1822.

I am able to extract the IMEI of the WWAN adapter from the registry, but I am not able to extract the SIM number which is what is relevant. I have also had a look around the WMI info without being more clever.

Any idea's on how I might accomplish this?

Answer : How can I read the SIM number?

I will get an answer to this on Friday if the shipment of new PC's arrive on time.
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