Question : how to create my salesman report
dear all i need to create my special report iam using crystal report 7 using ado with vb6 programming the problem
i have table with this fields
tbl_saleman ( salesman_name , itemcode , item_brand , sales_qty )
now i need to make report show me the following with this desgin
Sales Man Name Brand1 Brand2 Brand3 Brand4 Brand 5 brand 6 jhon sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) smith sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) leo sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty) sum(qty)
for each brand i need to make the sum of qty for saleman number 1 ( jhon ) for each brand
is there any idea how can i create this report
please iam not proffissional in this area so i need clear informatiom
best regards
Answer : how to create my salesman report
When you create a new report select "Crosstab" instead of "Standard". What you describe is a textbook crosstab report.
Put the salesman_name field in the row heading, the item_brand in the column heading, and the sales_qty in the summary area. That should give you exactly what you want.